Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Aku, kerja dan kek coklat…

Aku, semenjak masuk final year ni bertambah relax. Dah tak macam the past semesters. Macam tak cukup rehat and macam tak cukup jam kalau boleh nak tambah jadi 25 jam.tapi sekarang ni memang tak payah tambah cuba yang tak cukup jam sebab aku sendiri tak pandai lagi nak manage my own schedule. So bila masuk semester baru ni memang la sangat semangat sebab nak study hard so that I will never regret the opportunity given to me. Yes, I had tried to suppress my schedule to be more pack. And I think that was my own fault, to make me more stress. Bila aku sendiri yang menyebabkan diri ini stresses well do not blame others. Sebab aku jenis yang kerja bila ada mood, terpaksa buat semua kerja when the mood comes. Kerja memang nampak tak banyak tapi amat remeh. But I don’t mind cause I like it very much especially the part that I need to do the instructional aid. When the works become more complicated I tend to like it more. People might think that I’m a weird person but that is me. 

Kerja, memang sangat banyak. Phonology with the inventory, writing with the script writing, instructional aid, lesson plan and micro teaching, teaching method 2 with the lesson plan, story writing, instructional aid, take home test and what not and grammar class with the interview, lesson plan, the website. All of the works listed were the one which may take time to be finished. Kerja kadang-kadang buat kita stress. Well I’m the type that easily gets stress with all of the burden. Tapi compare with bila tak ada kerja nak buat better let me be preoccupied with all of those works. Dalam sibuk-sibuk minggu convocation still lagi sempat siapkan 2, 3 kerja yang senang-senang. Dan kalau dan bosan sangat kerja juga yang aku suka buat. Dalam banyak-banyak kerja the easiest work that I think and it is also fun is the phonology work. The inventory and the sentences make me revise the dictionary from A to Z. 

meja study yang sangat penuh

Kek coklat, last week IIUM held a chocolate fair and the halal exhibition at KAED gallery. The first thing that I encountered at the exhibition was the chocolate cake. Boleh testing lagi. Rasa sangat heaven. Rasa macam lama sangat dah tak makan the moist cake chocolate. Walaupun baru je makan 8secret recipe but this is different. So memang tak lepas peluang la nak beli. Sangat best. jalan-jalan dekat dalam gallery ada coklat-coklat handmade, but something yang tak boleh nak di terima, suddenly je, tak ada minat langsung nak taste all of the chocolate and bought something at the booths. Maybe sebab memang dah target nak beli that chocolate cake kot. Jalan-jalan lagi, jumpa kedai kain from Terengganu. Ada jual kain batik lukis. Memang cantik sangat, tapi duit pun cantik la kalau nak beli. Well, boleh tengok la saja. Pusing-pusing, jumpa booth jual buku pula, did not stop or else ada ja  benda yang nak beli. Last bila dah penat kedai chocolate cake je la yang aku singgah. Surely, this chocolate cake help me to cure my stress week. Makan ja chocolate cake rasa macam semua problem hilang. Magic sungguh.

chocolate yang memang magic

 Walau letih atau stress macam mana pun, life must goes on. Work need to be done. Whether you like it or not, it is your responsibility as a students. Need to be honest towards our self. Complete the work and be happy. 

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