Monday, January 3, 2011

Di sudut sekeping hati…

It would not be easy to face this alone but sometimes it is easier for me to be alone. Things happen because of some reasons. But about this one, I never know why it happens to me. It is just cannot stop bothering me. I thought it has stop for good after the secondary school. I hate this because it gives some bad impact to my quality of life. And of course I don’t feel comfortable with it. I don’t know with whom I can share my feeling. I am so worry about this but I just can’t reveal it to anyone. Some people might think it as a small matter but for me it is not because it has been happening for at least 9 years.

Tension sangat dah ni. Sapa ja yang dapat faham apa yang aku rasa melainkan kalau dia sendiri yang rasa apa yang aku rasa. Nak cari sapa ni nak dengar luahan hati yang lara dan berduka ini. Sampai bila nak macam ni pun tak tau la. Pening kepala. Fikirkan semua benda yang berkaitan dengan benda ni. Kita pun tak tau apa benda yang sebenarnya yang terjadi. Malas nak fikir tapi benda akan menghantui bila-bila pun. Nak sibukkan diri dengan kerja tapi tak dak mood pulak nak buat. Kerja punya la banyak tapi satu pun tak boleh nak concentrate. Moga-moga cepat la benda ni berlalu.

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