Wednesday, October 2, 2013

It's the day!!!!

What day is that??? It's actually the first day for PMR and of course I'm quite busy today. Being the secretary for this examination make me feel like I'm the busiest person in this school today. I don't know fell like others don't care about this. Maybe because they are super seniors and don't really feel nothing with it. Where as for me it's the first time and I actually don't really know how to handle it. With the classes and everything today, I really feel like a teacher who is always concern about their needs. It is actually not because I know they are still other teachers who are concern about this. Feeding them and giving them moral supports are my job for now, with the family away from them they might feel very nervous and I know I should be the one who can maybe give them the feeling that there is someone who is really concern and care about them. At this moment moral supports and love are very important things. They should be taken care as a very fragile kid because the emotional is not very stable too because of the stress and pressure with the burden of the examination. 

All I can do, or the last thing I can do for them, is to be always there when they need me. Physically they might look healthy but inside of them who knows what actually they are thinking about. As for me, I act as their mother if they want it, because I had experienced it before my teacher who acted as one of the moral support for me. For me right now, there is actually nothing they want other than the moral supports and the positive thinking. Even if they cannot answer the questions and even if the questions are too difficult to them it is our task to help them to overcome it and to not easily overwhelmed with it. Tawakal and the prayer is also the vital things for Muslim students, it give them strength to go through with it even if it is very difficult and challenging. Their inner strength has been tested right now. Me! As their teacher will always pray for the best and not forgetting to believe in HIM.

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