Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hoping for the miracles!

I hate sad news but who likes it??? Even though that thing does not happen to me or to my besties, but as a human being, who had been created with heart and soul, I’ll feel the sadness and sorrow. I’ll always want to put myself in their shoes. I felt sorry for them.  Of course all of the trial comes from Him, so he who knows the best. For those who have been tested by Him, really pray for your strength and patience. For those who are patience and tough, there are always rewards from HIM. The trial did not come for anything. Always think of the positive side. Although sometimes, it seem really hard to be accepted but as HIS slave, we need to accept as it is and do not blame the faith of choosing who to be tried. There always be someone by your side when you are in need of one. 

Aku berdoa sekadar aku termampu, semoga mereka di berikan ketabahan dan kekuatan menghadapi segala ujian ini. Kita tak pernah menduga bagaimana kita bakal di uji, tapi apabila kita di uji haruslah kita terima dengan reda, dan yakin kita sememangnya mampu mengharungi apa saja ujian yang telah di berikan pada kita. Aku ingin berada bersama mereka memberi dorongan dan sokongan supaya mereka tahu masih ada sinar yang menanti di hujung sana, walaupun terkadang, lorong itu terlalu gelap untuk di lalui. Walau kadang terpaksa, kita lalui segala keperitan dan kepahitan untuk sampai di lorong kebahagiaan, kita perlu kuat dan menerima setiap keperitan dan kepahitan itu dengan tabah. 

Wahai sekalian orang-orang yang beriman! Mintalah pertolongan (untuk menghadapi susah payah dalam menyempurnakan sesuatu perintah Tuhan) dengan bersabar dan dengan (mengerjakan) solat; kerana sesungguhnya Allah menyertai (menolong) orang-orang yang sabar. (2:153)

I am in the sad and gloomy mode tonight. Although, I am not that close with them but the ukhwah make me feel that I want to be part of them who will help them to lessen their burden. i always want them to know that they are not alone. There will be always someone who will stand by their side when it is hard for them to stand and there will always someone by their side when they are tired with all of the trial. All I can do now is the prayer hoping for the miracle that only HE may gives to us.  

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