Monday, August 15, 2011

Satu penipuan!!!

Hari ini ada wall post from one of my friend ask me to attend the reunion plus iftar at Seri Malaysia hotel. Hati meronta-ronta nak ikut, nak attend, nak hadir memeriahkan suasana kat sana tapi atas sebab tertentu tak dapat nak join the group. Perasaan? Mula-mula dapat terima dengan redha. But at the end bila dah hari-hari jadi stalker kat group page and tengok ramai yang respond, hati jadi sangat sedih. Tapi when the friend asks me about that, I just said that it was not that important to me. Memang sangat tak jujur pada hati dan perasaan sendiri. Sapa tak sedih bila tak dapat jumpa kawan-kawan yang dah lima or enam tahun tak jumpa. Teringat nanti semua akan kumpul ramai-ramai and dapat sembang-sembang ramai-ramai. Tukar-tukar story, hati jadi sangat sedih, sangat kecewa, sangat berduka cita.

Aku teringin juga nak jumpa and tengok kawan-kawan yang lain. Do they change a lot? Nak tengok juga apa reaksi masing-masing bila dah jumpa ramai-ramai. Walau pun aku maybe adalah salah sorang yang agak anti social, tak macam orang lain yang boleh communicate with each other although they had never talk when we were at school but still to meet friends yang dah lama tak jumpa will be a really good memories for my long vacation. At least I have something to talk about after a long time. Thinking of that make me hope that I can have my own work, my own money and some freedom in my life. There is still hope, that one day I can meet them and gather with them like others. So, although I am saying that I don’t really care about the reunion but deep in my heart, I’m hoping for some miracle IF I can join it. But for me there will be no reality for my IF. It can be just a sweet dream.

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