Saturday, November 12, 2011

Hypocrisy or honesty?

Some people may be very expressive verbally or orally, while some people may be expressive via writing. Some people may not say something frankly, but some may express is without doubt. Some may say that they don’t want to hurt others by saying harsh thing to them some may say it’s better to be honest with what we want to say. Do you want to hurt others or do you want to be sincere with yourself? Do you want to be honest or hypocrite? Which one is better? To hurt others with harsh words for being honest or to speak something behind others because you are not satisfy with them? In Malay culture we always say something that will not hurt others, because for us it is rude to use harsh words with others, whether it is true or not, we will try to use the softest words communication ever. 

Which one is better? Being in a long journey, make me think about it for a long time. I don’t know which one is me. But for me I am not the one who can be sincere with my words when it comes to time that I may hurt someone, but in certain time or situation I can be very straight forward, such as in a situation that I am angry to others or I can’t stand the situation anymore when it is happening continuously. I think I am kind of a tempered person, I can be nice and I can be scary. I can be a kitten and I can be a lion. 

So, which one is better? For me it may depend on the situation. Sometimes, we need to say harsh things to make that person realize that they actually doing bad things. People tend to ignore something that may annoy others when no one is there to reprimand them, so for people like this I really like to be harsh toward them. Because they know that the fact people hate it but still they are doing it that is called rude. There is time when people are not realizing the things that they are doing is annoying, at this moment we might be polite to them. Use a good communication and try to make them realize that what they are doing is irritating others. 

We can choose between being hypocrite or honest, but being honest is not always rude and being hypocrite is not always dishonest. With the situation and time, hypocrisy can be a good thing and being honest may be rude. So, choose wisely honest or hypocrisy.

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