Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Motivation in class…

I was in method in teaching moral education class, while one of my friend was teaching and suddenly took out something from his bag and gave it to the person’s who answered his question, we were so excited. But when we just saw that he was only giving a token of appreciation we were frustrated, because we were expecting something edible. It is one of the motivations in the class, while we as a teacher teach in class. I can see the bright eyes of all my friends, when they were given some reward after answering the questions.  

Now, that we were excited about the present or reward given by the teacher, I think that it is good for me to bring something to class as reward to the students to participate in the class. Although it is only some sweet or just a small little gift, with that student can be more motivated with the reward to them. Micro teaching process really give me some experience and some ideas about what to do and not to do in class. Now, that I had done with all of my micro teaching I feel like I want to make it again and again. I know from the micro teaching, I can learn many things, from the preparation or lesson plan, materials, teaching and learning resources, activities, the teaching practices and the students behavior and attitude. 

I hope that this semester, may bring benefit for me for the future. Hoping for the best and will do more practice with the lesson plan and all of the stuff regarding the teaching and learning process in the class.


  1. Yeah, it can motivate students at times but then we teachers can't always do that. Habis la gaji untuk beli hadiah bebudak je kan....

  2. I'm thinking of something that may give some benefit to them... P-jo, gave token to us while he was teaching in the class... maybe i can give them the token and they can collect their gifts at then end of the month or maybe at the end of the year.. i know, that I'm not suppose to give them the reward every time i enter the class...
